Biologist John Lubbock once wrote, “Earth and sky, woods
and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountains and sea, are excellent
schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.” At
Little Angels Preschool & Daycare in Ypsilanti we focus on growing the WHOLE child, not just academically, but
also their character and well-being. Studies have shown that being outdoors is
great for your child’s intelligence and their character, as well as their
physical and mental health. Little Angels is dedicated to spending much of your
child’s day exploring nature. We feel that it’s the best and most effective way
for children to learn and grow.
Your Child’s Intelligence

Children who spend time outside have longer attention spans
than those who spend time in front of screens, and children with ADHD focus
better after being outdoors. Memory performance also improves by 20% after
spending an hour outside.
Academically, schools with environmental education programs
have students that score higher in reading, math, writing, and science, in
standardized testing.
Your Child’s Character
Natural, irregular, and challenging spaces help kids learn to
recognize, assess, and negotiate risk. This builds confidence, competence,
self-esteem, autonomy, and independence. When playing in diverse, natural
environments, children use more imaginative and creative play. This fosters
language and collaborative skills and eliminates anti-social behaviors, such as
violence, bullying, vandalism, and littering.
Your Child’s Physical Health
The sun’s rays give off essential Vitamin D. Vitamin D promotes
calcium absorption, reduces inflammation, prevents some types of cancer, and
reduces the effects of autoimmune diseases. The sun also acts as a natural
antiseptic, which kills mold, yeast, bacteria, fungi, and viruses-even ones that are living on the skin.
Studies have shown that playing in the dirt, and ingesting
a little along the way, helps children build stronger immune systems. Exposure
to parasites, bacteria, and viruses at an early age decrease the chance of
having allergies and asthma
Additionally, viruses and bacteria thrive in air-tight
spaces, so being outdoors gives your little one a break from all the
circulating germs – and even clears out their lungs!
Your Child’s Mental Health
According to a four-year academic study, antidepressant use
is on
the rise in kids, with the fastest growing group, being children ages 0-5
years old. Time in nature, especially being exposed to Vitamin D from the sun,
significantly decreases psychological scores for depression and anxiety in
psychological testing and may keep children from being required to take these
Additionally, when spending time outside, you ingest and breathe a
specific soil bacterium which helps decrease anxiety. As a result, children’s
stress levels will fall within minutes of seeing green spaces.
National Public Radio recently reported that the average
American child spends only 4 – 7 minutes outside per day. We hope that here at Little Angels Preschool & Daycare in
Ypsilanti we can skew that number and assist you in raising a happy,
healthy, and well-adjusted child, while also fostering a love of nature and the
1.American Journal of Public Health “A Potential Natural Treatment for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder”
2.American Science of Microbiology “Can Bacteria Make You Smarter?”
3.Associated Press “Childhood Pastimes are Increasingly Moving Indoors”
4.Children’s Nature Network “Children and Nature Worldwide”
5.Council for Learning Outside the Classroom “Benefits of Early Years Learning Outside the Classroom”
6.Government of Western Australia Department of Sports and Recreation “Why Build a Nature Based Playground”
7.Harvard Health Publication “Spending Time Outdoors is Good For You”
8.The Huffington Post “Why Getting Fresh Air is So Good For You”
9.The National Environmental Education & Training Foundation “ Environment-based Education: Creating High Performance Schools & Students”
10.National Institute of Health “ Fact Sheet for Health Professionals”
11.New York State Department of Environmental Conservation “Immerse Yourself in a Forest for Better Health”
12.Presbyterian Ladies’ College “The Effects of Outdoor Activity On the Brain”
13. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute “Ultraviolet Radiation”
14.University of Iowa “Immunology”
15.White Huchinson: Learning and Leisure Group “ Young Children’s Relationship with Nature”
Nice post. We know that classroom and playroom environment is very important for children in learning and development. a well-designed environment will help children in exploring more, allow them to engage themselves in self-directed play. My daughter goes to an infant and toddler center in Williamsburg and she is very happy as she is getting good environment there .