Friday, October 3, 2014

What Does Your Child’s Plate Size Have to Do With Obesity?

Do you force your child to clean their plate at dinnertime? 

Does your child eat more than one serving?

What size plate do you serve with at dinner?

All of these things can play a role in overeating. According to research, “one in three U.S. kids is now defined as overweight or obese.”  One way to solve this issue may be portion control!

You may ask, “How can I control my child’s portions?” According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the following steps will make it easier to minimize the extra calorie intake that you might not have noticed otherwise, including:
Daycare Ypsilanti

  1. Offering the proper “serving” to each member of your family, and then putting the extra food away. You’ll then have leftovers for another meal.
  2. Skipping the appetizers and splitting a large salad or main dish with one of your family members when dining out.
  3. Ordering a small pizza instead of a medium pizza will make it easier for your family to avoid overeating because the pieces are usually smaller.
  4. Watching movies at home or the theater while having a snack can distract you from noticing what you’re putting in your mouth and when. At the movies, share a box of popcorn, and avoid the free-refill tubs … and skip the candy!
  5. Eating straight from the bag or box is never a good idea. Measure out snacks, including fruits and veggies, into appropriate portion sizes before giving them to your kids.
Obesity can lead to many health problems, such as heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. If you make a change in your child’s eating habits early on in life, your child may end up living a longer and healthier life!  

We hope this information will help you become more aware of the portions your child is eating at home and while dining out in the Ypsilanti area. At Little Angels Preschool & Daycare Ypsilanti, we’re dedicated to our students’ health and well-being. We want to ensure the safety of our students and their families.

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