Thursday, April 3, 2014

It's never too early to begin brushing your child's teeth!

Are you unsure when to begin brushing your child’s teeth?

Are you worried about your toddler getting cavities?

It’s never too early to begin proper oral care!

Baby Teeth Are Important
It’s important to start teaching children about proper dental care and nutrition as soon as their teeth start coming in.  Baby teeth are important because they hold the place for where the permanent teeth are to grow.  If your child loses a baby tooth too early it can affect the development of the permanent tooth.  It can also affect your child’s bite and his or her speech.  

Formula, breast milk, and juices all contain sugar and lead to tooth decay which can result in pain, infection and tooth loss.  Clean your infant’s gums twice a day with a wet washcloth.  This will get them comfortable with the act of cleaning their mouth and make the transition to brushing easier. 

7 Tips for Cavity Prevention in Toddlers
1.  Try to avoid giving toddlers extra sugary or starchy snacks such as crackers.  How can you tell if it’s too starchy?  If the food is still visible in their teeth after twenty minutes it would be wise to eliminate. 

2.  Also avoid giving them chewable vitamins that list sugar as their first ingredient. 

3.  If your child takes a bottle to bed it should only be filled with water. 

4.  Try to wean them from using a bottle, the breast, and a pacifier by the age of one. 

5.  Use a spill-proof or sippy cup as a transition to a regular cup, not a long-term solution.  Only allow your child to use a sippy cup filled with water throughout the day.  Save other drinks for snack and meal time when their saliva activity helps clean their teeth. 

6.  Sugary drinks, like juices should be sipped through a straw. 

7.  At the age of two you can begin using a small pea-sized amount of toothpaste on the bristles of a toddler brush.  Concentrate on the back molars that are more prone to decay.  By the age of five your child should be able to brush on their own.

The Best Way to Get Your Kids to Brush...

Is to model the behavior yourself!  Demonstrate proper oral care, including flossing, dental visits, and nutrition to show your kids that their teeth are important.  If they witness you practicing what you preach they are likely to do the same.

Have you enjoyed reading this blog?

Our next blog shares some tips to encourage your child to brush regularly! 

Please feel free to leave us a comment below. 

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